What did national TV and online sites cover in 2010?

Each year, the Project for Excellence in Journalism produces a report on “The Year in News.”  Can you guess what the Top 3 stories were for all media this year?

Breaking it down to network evening, network morning and cable news, we find that cable spent a major chunk of it’s time (15.3%) on the 2010 election compared to the network evening shows (5.3%). 

That raises a “chicken-or-the-egg” question — did cable start to own politics first or did the networks just stop covering politics as much?  The network morning shows covered all three topics just about equally — in the 9% range.

Online, economic news dominated with 13.9% of the newshole devoted to the topic.

The report has a terrific interactive tool to let you compare other media types, including national radio and newspaper coverage, and allows you to explore how other topics fared in terms of amount of coverage.

Try testing your knowledge of the year in news with the site’s interactive quiz. (I got 9 out of 10.)
