The new journalism grad requirements

“We’ve gone beyond online, print and TV – every job seems to be a multi-platform position,” says Crystal Lauderdale,  Video & Multimedia Product Manager at New York Times Company, Regional Media Group.

Lauderdale says we’ll probably never go back to the days of a single-platform job and that means the “old formula” for finding a job is often not enough.

She says that before the year 2000, you needed a degree, experience with a college media outlet and possibly an internship.  Now, Lauderdale says, you need:

  • A degree that covers all platforms
  • Emphasis in 1-2 specific skill sets
  • Experience with student media
  • An internshp is essential
  • Basic computer/Web publication skills
  • Double major is a plus
  • Entrepreneurial skills a plus

When it comes to writing, Lauderdale says everyone should know AP Style, grammar, spelling and timecode (or how to log media).

“Every journalist needs writing and image composition skills,” Lauderdale says.

Bottom line on getting a job?

“Graduates need more than a degree,” Lauderdale says.  “They need  technical ability, internship experience, clips on a portfolio site, a non-academic reference and a love of storytelling.”


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