Author: Deborah Potter

Find the action

Reporters who want to follow the action in a story need to know where to find it. You can’t tell a captivating, narrative story if you’re not present to capture the action. But how do you know when it’s going…


Conflict of interest

Should you ever get romantically involved with a source? The answer is clearly no. Los Angeles anchor Mirthala Salinas has been suspended without pay for two months for covering the city’s mayor while they were having an affair. The news…


This is the future

If you’re going to succeed in journalism today you need to know how to tell stories visually. Don’t just take our word for it. Listen to working journalists like Jennifer Lin, a staff writer at the Philadelphia Inquirer.


Media saturation?

A new study suggests that Americans’ media use has hit the saturation point. For the first time in a decade, overall media usage declined in 2006. Does that mean you’re going into a dying business? Hardly. Americans still spend an…
