Category: 13. Getting Ready for the Real World

One news director’s advice

 Students who really want to be prepared for that all-important job search can benefit from advice from working news managers. Over lunch at a downtown restaurant, Marshall Adams, program director and news director at KDKA Radio in Pittsburgh, Pa., told…


Risk, initiative, persistence

You might think the news business is changing faster than ever before, but anyone who started in TV before videotape (like me) can tell you that it’s been in transition for years. John Goheen, the only three-time NPPA Photographer of…


Multimedia can add diversity

“Multimedia has the power to reach a more diverse audience.  Mastering these new communications tools is how African Americans can ensure they will continue to have a voice in government and advance their own personal power.” Speaking to an audience…


Not your father’s newsroom

“We’re in the most exciting, amazing time in the history of journalism,” says Chet Rhodes, Deputy Multimedia Editor/Breaking News at Rhodes spoke October 8 before a crowd of students and faculty at Virginia Commonwealth University. He says in the…


Web portals beat TV news

News aggregators like Yahoo!, MSN and AOL have supplanted network television as “power hubs for news,” Rachel Rosemarin reports in Forbes.  Two out of every five people who use Yahoo! look at its news, finance and sports sites–50 million people…


Curley on winning the news wars

Rob Curley is the outspoken, pull-no-punches vice president of product development for Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive.  At the Society of Professional Journalists Convention on October 4, Curley offered a list of what it will take newspapers (though this applies to TV stations as…


How to save the news

The news as we know it is ending but technology might save it, Michael Wolff writes in Vanity Fair. He points to the research we’ve all seen: under 30s have no “news habit.” When they want information, they don’t browse…


A newspaper bucks the trend

USA Today was mocked when it launched 25 years ago. McPaper, they called it, with its “news nuggets” and “charticles.” But it has survived and is now thriving. According to editor Ken Paulson, USA Today is selling more copies now…


This is the future

If you’re going to succeed in journalism today you need to know how to tell stories visually. Don’t just take our word for it. Listen to working journalists like Jennifer Lin, a staff writer at the Philadelphia Inquirer.


Media saturation?

A new study suggests that Americans’ media use has hit the saturation point. For the first time in a decade, overall media usage declined in 2006. Does that mean you’re going into a dying business? Hardly. Americans still spend an…
