Syllabi tips

Developed by Tom Bowers, former interim dean at UNC’s School of Journalism and Mass Communication.

(Essential information is marked *)

Information about the course
_____Name of the course *
_____Number of the course and course section number*
_____Current semester *
_____Meeting location *
_____Meeting days and time *
_____URL for online syllabus or online course site* (if available)

Information about the instructor

_____Name *
_____Office location *
_____Office telephone number *
_____Office hours *
_____Email address *
_____URL for personal web site
_____Information about teaching assistants (if appropriate)

What students will learn
(Use the perspective of what students will learn, not what the course will cover.)
_____Purpose and objectives of the course *
_____Course prerequisites–what they should already know *
_____How they will be able to use the material they learn
_____How the course fits with other courses in the curriculum

Materials that will help students learn
_____Complete citations for required and optional texts, including web addresses *
_____Explanation of appropriateness of used copies or earlier editions
_____Coursepacks and other photocopied materials
_____Computer programs, disks and manuals
_____Email lists, etc.
_____Reserve readings
_____Art supplies and similar materials
_____Magazine or newspaper subscriptions

Attendance policies
_____Expectations about regular class attendance *
_____Policies about missing exams *
_____Policies about meeting deadlines *

How students will demonstrate what they learn
_____Expectations about class participation*
_____Dates of exams *
_____Nature of exams
_____Availability of old exams
_____How exams are graded
_____Pop quizzes (if appropriate)
_____Projects and written assignments
_____Details about individual projects and homework assignments *
_____Details about group projects *
_____Explanation of how grades will be determined for these projects*

How the course grade will be determined

_____Elements of the course grade and their weights*
_____Exceptions and borderline cases
_____Consideration of improvement, if appropriate

Schedule of events
_____Day-by-day listing of course sessions *
_____Topics and goals for each session *
_____Assigned reading for each session*
_____Due dates for assignments and exam dates *

Consider these items in your syllabus

_____Policy about spelling and grammar errors
_____Policy about academic dishonesty
_____Explanation of requirements for using computers
_____Background information about yourself
_____Your policy about students coming to class in inclement weather
_____A request that students turn off their cell phones and pagers in class

Consider these hints
_____Be personal; use personal pronouns.
_____Be positive, not threatening or scolding.
_____Avoid boldface, underscoring and exclamation marks.
_____Make the syllabus visually attractive.
_____Eliminate all errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation.

