Category: 01. The Multimedia Mindset

New TV-newspaper partnership

It’s been awhile since we’ve heard news of a network-affiliated television station creating a new partnership with a major daily newspaper, but the Baltimore Sun and CBS-affiliate WJZ-TV in Baltimore are now multimedia partners. Editor & Publisher reports that the…


The future of journalism

We hear plenty of doom and gloom about journalism these days – especially on the print side.  But Bob Guccione, Jr. is more hopeful, and in his Huffington Post article, he offers four predictions for the future of journalism: 1)…


Old thinking at journalism school

Alana Taylor, a junior at NYU, has publicly slammed the J-school there for “old thinking.”  This fall, she’s taking what she terms one of the few courses NYU offers undergrads that focuses on new media and she’s sorely disappointed.  The…


Where we get the news

Americans still turn to television as their main source for news, but online news consumption continues to grow while newspaper readership plummets. That’s the headline from the Pew Research Center‘s latest survey on U.S. news habits. After years of decline,…


“All-platform journalists” at CNN

As CNN goes, so goes the nation?  We’ll see, but this report from TV Newser reminds us once again that there are jobs to be had if you can work in multiple media. CNN has announced it is expanding its…


The new “new journalism”

If you’ve been a journalist for more than a few years, the term “new journalism” may bring back old memories.  First used by Tom Wolfe in the late 1960s, it describes the use of literary techniques like narrative, dialogue and…


Journalism at the crossroads

No, this isn’t another post about the economic woes in newsrooms.  It’s a tip of the hat to Robert Courtemanche, who teaches high school journalism near Houston, Texas, and runs the blog TeachJ.  He was inspired by another blog to…


Farewell OJR

I’m a little behind on this unfortunate development: the Online Journalism Review is no more. Editor Robert Niles says the University of Southern California’s Annenberg School has decided to pull the plug. While he doesn’t offer much in the way…


Journalists’ memorial

More than 60 years ago, Edward R. Murrow stood on the rooftop at the BBC’s Broadcasting House in London and reported live to American listeners as German planes bombed the city. Now, that rooftop is the site of a stunning…


So many ways to tell a story

What do you get when you move a 50-something magazine editor to the Web side? In the case of John Byrne, executive editor of BusinessWeek and editor in chief of, you get a full-fledged convert. Byrne told the UNC-SABEW…
