Finding stories the Radiolab way

Flickr image by Tullio SabaIf you listen to the public radio program or podcast of Radiolab (and you should), one of the first things you’ll notice is how eclectic the stories are. They’re often about people or events or scientific processes you’ve never heard of. That’s the whole point of the show, which is “devoted to investigating a strange world.” But where on earth do those stories come from?

That’s the No. 1 question the program gets, according to host Jad Abumrad, and they’ve mostly kept the answer to themselves. But finally, in a year-end bonus episode, research director Latif Nasser shared some ingredients of the secret sauce.

“For true story finders, the world is a scavenger hunt,” Nasser says, “and I just love it. It’s so much fun.”

At least one of Nasser’s tips isn’t new: Talk to everybody you meet. But the rest are eye-opening, mind-bending suggestions anyone can try. Give the episode a listen. You won’t regret it.

More tips from Nasser are available at Transom. Happy story hunting!

