Author: Debora Wenger

Not your father’s newsroom

“We’re in the most exciting, amazing time in the history of journalism,” says Chet Rhodes, Deputy Multimedia Editor/Breaking News at Rhodes spoke October 8 before a crowd of students and faculty at Virginia Commonwealth University. He says in the…


Curley on winning the news wars

Rob Curley is the outspoken, pull-no-punches vice president of product development for Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive.  At the Society of Professional Journalists Convention on October 4, Curley offered a list of what it will take newspapers (though this applies to TV stations as…


People Meters: Coming soon to a market near you?

By the year 2011, Nielsen Co. plans to triple the size of its National People Meter (NPM) TV-ratings panel.  By that same year, the company says it will have Local People Meters (LPM) in 56 markets and those sample homes…


Video driving clicks

A new “clickmap” tool is making some ask whether video may be a bigger driver of clicks than previously thought. According to Poynter’s E-Media Tidbits, a researcher at the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR) has developed a new tool for tracking…


Owning the first 1:00

For the past several years, a trend has been developing in the production of television newscasts.  Producers are being charged with the goal of “owning the first minute.”  In the September 2007 issue of RTNDA’s Communicator magazine, writer Paula Pendarvis…


Lists as sources

Sometimes good story ideas fall in your lap (or show up in your email). The following is a post from the Criminal Justice Journalists listserv on Friday, 9/21/07: If all goes according to plan, the FBI will put out its…
