Author: Debora Wenger

Mobile making a move?

One of the most thoughtful new media experts on the planet is a guy named Steve Shamp. Shamp directs the New Media Institute at the University of Georgia. He runs a listserv and sends out occasional email blasts that are…


Multimedia journalists unite!

One of the things that I’ve noticed about the “online space” is that so many people are so willing to share their expertise.  And that’s the idea behind a relatively new site called Wired Journalists.  Here’s the mission statement: was…


Print journalism burnout

Research done at Ball State University indicates that young newspaper journalists are not very happy with their jobs. Dr. Scott Reinardy found that young people are the most dissatisfied group in the newsroom: Interestingly, younger journalists not only reported higher…


Cross-ownership means better TV?

Here’s the headline: The audience gets more news from TV stations owned by companies that also own a newspaper in the same market. According to an article in Broadcasting & Cable, research done at the University of Missouri-Columbia found that…


Quit yer complainin’!

Two recent developments in the print world are worth a closer look. The Newspaper Association of America says online audiences for newspapers grew by about six percent in 2007. According to an Associated Press article: Web sites run by newspapers…


Web jobs open at TV stations

Broadcasting & Cable has a compelling article about TV stations and station owners re-thinking their Web strategies. The article points to multiple examples of news organizations shifting resources to the Web through new hires and job restructuring. To find ample…


TV getting into the cell phone game?

The Associated Press reports that TV stations will be ready to start transmitting signals for portable electronics like cell phones next year. The technology represents a “chance for broadcasters to challenge cell-phone carriers, who are trying to sew up the…


Shooting in HD

High-definition television promises better images, brighter colors and more detail, so how does shooting in HD change the job of a photojournalist? Al’s Morning Meeting provided Q&A with two photojournalists who are currently working with high-definition video – Richard Adkins…


What a new journalist needs

Jessica Chapin has been on the job at WMBB-TV in Panama City, Fla. for a little more than six months now. We asked her to think about what she’s already learned at work, what part of her education has helped…
