Category: 11. Producing: Digital

When and where to break exclusive news

You’re working on an exclusive story for tonight and the Web and social media team wants a piece of it, hours before air. Should you share? If you thought that question had been laid to rest years ago, think again.…


Better smartphone photos

Sometimes somebody just says it so well, that you feel like sharing it, right?  So, check out this summary of a post on Mashable, that explores the best features of the photo app, Camera+.  Or better yet, watch the 2:00…


Simple, interactive graphic on gun control

ProPublica has put up a new graphic that shows at a glance where members of Congress stand on gun rights and gun control. Using the now-standard red and blue tints to indicate party affiliation, Republican or Democrat, the graphic shows…


Top journalism skills in 2012

So, it may seen a little arrogant to assume that our blog can act as a barometer of the journalism industry, but what the heck. If you look at the five most viewed posts of 2012, it seems reasonable to…


Mobile study offers newsroom opportunities

More than a third of people with tablets and smartphones use them to get the news, according to a new study from the Project for Excellence in Journalism. What’s particularly heartening is the demographic breakdown of that mobile audience.  It…


Monitoring social media and more good advice for journalists

You’ve heard of the seven deadly sins, right?  How about the seven social media wins?  According to new media researcher Augie Grant, news organizations need to look at seven primary uses for social media. The following are excerpts from Grant’s…


Information is beautiful

It can take a huge amount of time and effort to build an interactive graphic that’s both visually engaging and informative. That’s why many news organizations only make the effort for projects that will have a long shelf life. CNN…


News organizations’ interest in Pinterest

Most social media experts will tell you that simply keeping up with trends is half the battle.  Pinterest has been around for more than two years now, but many news organizations are still trying to figure out what to do…


Social media and new skills needed in local TV

If you’re working in television, you already know this –local television stations are no longer just in the business of TV. But RTDNA researcher Bob Papper has the statistics to back it up. Speaking at the Excellence in Journalism conference…
