Author: Debora Wenger

Using FOI on the FBI

Al’s Morning Meeting just featured a “how-to” for requesting FBI files on the famous and not-so-famous. WTTG-TV reporter Tisha Thompson is working on a series of reports involving the files and she shares what she’s learned so far. If you…


The state of multimedia

For a long time convergence and multimedia were dirty words in many newsrooms – and that may still be the case for some.  But there is more evidence that journalists are simply embracing the idea that having more ways to…


Producing for the small screen

If you need a reason to think about producing content for mobile devices, consider this:  The cell phone industry estimates 30 million people in the U.S. will be video subscribers in 2009.  That’s 30 million people available to watch your stories on the go. So,…


Getting online video right

The second annual Emerging Video Services study, conducted by Leichtman Research Group, Inc., includes some fascinating findings: Online video usage is still very weighted to young males, ages 18-34 and the growth in online video overall was primarily among both…


Solo journalism advice

Bob Cronkleton is a reporter for the Kansas City Star.  He recently answered a question about multimedia reporting which was posted on the Criminal Justice Journalists listserv.   It offers some valuable advice, right from the frontlines. “When it comes to…


Stay tuned for “State of the Media”

A must read for every journalist or anyone who cares about the profession is the Project for Excellence in Journalism’s annual State of the News Media Report. This will be the fifth year of the report, which is scheduled for…


Looking for multimedia journalists to lead the way

The Richmond Times Dispatch is a paper with a long history – it’s been around in one form or another for more than 100 years.  But this newspaper, like so many other news organizations, is trying to re-invent itself in…
